Citizen Petition to Ban SGARs in Concord, MA submitted
Gwen and I handed in or petition asking that people vote in Town Meeting for a Home Rule Petition banning SGARs in Concord! If you're a resident stay tuned for chances to spread the word and get the vote out at the meeting in June!
Here is the text of our article:
Citizen Petition To Ban SGARs (Second-generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides)
To determine whether the Town will authorize the Select Board to petition the General Court for special legislation substantially in the form below:
That notwithstanding chapter 132B of the general laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, the Town of Concord may by ordinance prohibit the application of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides within the Town of Concord, including application of such pesticides by licensed commercial applicators as defined in 333 C.M.R. 10.00. except as allowed by the Board of Health to remediate a public health condition; this act shall take effect upon its passage